December 28, 2011

Crazy Little Thing Called Exam

Hi everyone.. I must be joking for making such a silly title above.. but that's what I think about it.. Sometimes it looks like a little thing (how can I say a final exam is a little thing LOL.. how desperate I am..) that drives me really crazy.. I'm in the middle year of the hardest part of college (I'm in my third year, fifth semester), so everything turns out like hell when it comes for exam.. I couldn't sleep well, all I know in my dreams is about color, composition, ideas, tasks, assignments, packaging, visual communication design, and many more. I have to count each day and arrange my schedule properly because there's so many things to be done but so little time that I have... So many lecturers didn't give me a clear explanation too as USUAL.. so I need to struggle with time everyday.. TT ^ TT But when everything is complete, I feel so relieved and also satisfied for all I'd done..

Well if you find that this post isn't interesting, just skip it.. :) .. and just to remind you, LOTs of picture after this..

This is what I'd done for my Visual Communication Design/ Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) 4 .. media application for a product's promotion.. I should design for 10 media, and it's minimum ...yes.. M-I-N-I-M-U-M! So you should have imagined that I have to rush and complete 10 media .. moreover I have to queue for printing all the media, and it takes a lot of time like crazy! Everyone wanna print.. everyone rush, and the print corner is so damn full everywhere.. And this is all the results.. I missed some details for finishing, but I have no money left for it..

Promotional media for Rumah Sulam Rachmy products that I mentioned before at my Photoshoot post.. :) Enjoy..
This is how did I display them on my table .. :)

L-R : Marketing kit (Map), Brochure, Catalog

L-R : CD Box, Introduction, and CD Cover

Down -Up : Company Profile - Price Tag

L-R : Calendar, A4 Landscape Paperbag, A5 Portrait Paper bag

Signage System
 And this is the board that has successfully broke me out -.- I have no idea about what the use of this thing and realized what the use of it on the spot. It's only make my lecturers could see all of our design easily without touching or have to open all the catalog, calendar, and any other things that need to be open up. My friend said that he only bring his iPad inside the room, and captured everything inside there...

I hate it when I know for the first time, my lecturers has an idea about this just because one of people from another faculty were teasing on us about how miserable a visual communication design student when they're doing a display.. *speechless at the moment*.. somehow I feel like my work isn't appreciated at all if he just need to see all those thumbnails... what about if I give you the soft copy only? You can stare it all the time you want.. you make me pay for something that you didn't even looking at...

(I take the picture at home because it's blur and noise so bad when I captured it at campus with my cellphone camera, and since it's gonna be huge I decided to capture it in my working area, so the I'd censored so many messy things xP)

All designs are originally created by me and the photograph capture by my team (credit for Intan, Felicia,  Tris, Michael, and Kinnardi).

I should remind all of Visual Communication Design that this major really need much effort,money, and patience.. I swear about this!T ^ T

Let's move on.. This one is my Packaging Design major. Well since I love food, I decided to redesign a food packaging too.. and I do this in a rush, only one day .. I was too busy with my DKV 4 project since it has the biggest point this semester, 6 sks.. can you believe it? So I found this in my fridge and redesign it..

3D looking
I submit it in a paper, so I didn't make any dummies or the real box.

What do you think? :) I love its red color so I still use it and try to combine it with a pastry picture.In my opinion, the older packaging isn't focusing at the pastry. I found another weakness from the older packaging too for its square shape, it's hard to keep it in your fridge, I would prefer rectangle one eventhough it would be bulkier.

The last one is the display for my Visual Merchandising / Media Pamer Pajang major.It's an antivirus display. Well I do this in such a rush too, but quite satisfied with the results. :)

Whole display with such a HUGE name board

See something missing there? Yeah it's supposed to be a CD there.. but I'd submitted it as a softcopy.

That's all I wanna share.. I'm quite satisfied with all of my works although they're not perfect... critiques and comments are welcome..  Now the exam has ended, just waiting for the results and hope for the best hahaha...

P.S. By the way, I won Stephanie's Giveaway.. :D I'm soo excited with the prize.. and here's a sneak peak..

 I'll make a separated post about it later.. have a nice holiday everyonee.. :D


  1. waaah..niat banget project nyaaa...kereen~~
    dan 10?? 10????
    untung kampus ku cuma minta 6 media..hahaha
    lucky me~

  2. bukan niat ini say.. terpaksa.. kalo bisa juga maunya lebih dikit :P.. huehehehe.. di kelas laen ada yang cuman 4 media

    iya dari dkv 3 juga ak selalu bikin 10 media.. >.> huaaaa enaknya dirimu cuman 6..

  3. This is remind me of my uni time, LOLL XD
    dan emang menghabiskan banyakkk uanggg, zz

  4. yesss... it's absolutely wasting moneyyy.. T ^ T udah gitu sedihnya ga diliat lagi satu-per satu..

  5. ngedit2nya pake apa itu ? ajarin dooong ... LOL

  6. ngedit yang mana say? kalo tugasnya si pake illustrator sama photoshop.. ^^

  7. kalo yg ini bikinnya print biasa di kertas A3 terus dirakit, kalo buat komersil biasanya pesen grosir jadi lebih murah :)
    di kaskus juga banyak ^^

  8. Hu uh.. susahnya masih bisa ditolerir.. keluar duitnya yang ga tolerir.. TT ^ TT.. cape2 n mahal2 bikin dia cuman liat thumbnail di papan doang..

    Heheheh.. ^^ ngga susah juga kok.. asik-asik aja sebenernya..yang penting kan enjoy :D yang bikin ga enjoy biasanya tu sang pengajar :P

  9. Wah hebat...ckckck...bikin paper bag yg murah dimana ya say tau tak

  10. Woah! Susah bener sih kyny projectnya... Apa krn aq yang ga kreatif jadi ngeliatnya rumit ya? Uuugh, hebat2.. Aq ga se kreatif itu sih design, de el el.. Hehehehe ^_^


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